I have been smoking for approx. 6 years. 2 days ago, i decided to quit...
Well. Cut down.
This month, I will be buying my last carton of cigarettes, and I will be limiting my cigarettes to 3 a day!.
This seemed like the end of the world for me because i smoke close to half a pack a day!!
Turns out, its not as hard as it seems!.,with a little help of some chewing gum!:D
I feel that if i chew the gum, not nicotine gum, any type of gum really.. it turns off my craving.
Ever since i started this journey, I have felt so much better. Although, i have been getting headaches, but i looked it up, and its perfectly normal. Good tylenol will do the job!
so 3 a day is working really good for me, its just enough to keep me satisfied, and when i do get a craving , i just pull out my gum!!! it works!. If anyone out there would like to find a good way to quit, you should try it!!
Keep up with my journey!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hedley. The Best Band EVER.

Hey everybody. My name is Melanie, and this is my first blog. I have decided to start writing a blog to basically let things off my chest if they need to be told, and perhaps relate to some people. So if you read my blog, and blogs to come, thank you!!!
You're probly wondering why theirs a picture of 4 guys there. Well if you don't know who they are, then you should get to know them. These 4 guys make AH-MAZING music, and yes they write all their songs. Their names are Jacob Hoggard, Tommy Macdonald, Dave Rossin, and Chris Crippin. Otherwise known as Hedley!. Jacob started off on Canadian Idol, and made it to the top 3. After Canadian Idol, he and his band got signed, and are now, who we all know as Hedley. They have been my favorite band since Jacob was on Canadian Idol.
If you don't like them, that's ok. You dont have to... but...you should lol.
I was maybe, 18-19 years old when Hedley's first album came out. I wasent too sure about them yet, but i decided to buy it anyways, because, i was sooooo in love with Jacob, and was curious to hear him with his band.
I remember the day i bought it. I was with my mom, just browsing, when i seen it. I had to have it. So when we were done our shopping, I took the wrapping off, took the cd out, and put it in the cd player in the car. I started listening to the first song...bobbing my head...I liked it. I liked it ALOT. I dont think ive ever connected so much with music. I love evey song on that album. My favorite is Trip. The first time i heard it, i cried.. ok you might think.. what a loser, but something about Jacob's voice, and the lyrics, just really hit me.
The Second Album: Famous Last Words!...I was so excited when i heard this album was coming out!.. I bought it the day it was released... i played it over, and over and over and over. Till this day, I still listen to it often!. My favorite song, along with , im sure, a lot more other people is For The Nights I Can't Remember. This is such a beautiful song. I can't even explain how i feel when i listen to it. I have decided that i would like this to be my wedding song.. or better yet...have Hedley sing it at my wedding...*sigh.. I can only dream!!!
November'08. I was sitting in a grocery store parking lot, as i was listening to the radio, a Hedley song came on. I was singing along.. then the song ended...The radio personality then proceeded to say... " YUP THEY ARE COMING TO TOWN!"... i couldn't believe it. I live in a small enough town, so not a lot of big bands come here. I was so happy.. I decided right then and there. " Im going, no one will stop me!!!" I then found out when the tickets sales were, and that morning, i was up . Ready to purchase my tickets!... Then this screen came up... CONGRATULATIONS! ...my heart stopped.. I was so happy to have gotten them!!!!!! Then a month or 2 after i purchased them .. it was time for the concert. I brought along my sister, and my niece, who loves them just as much as i do! It made my day just to see her so happy that she can see her favorite band. That night, I will never forget. This might sound like a childish, immature blog, but hedley's music got me through so much, and i thank them so much for making amazing music for us.
My blogs will not always be about bands , or movies...they will be about my personal life as well. I would like to post a mixture of things. I'm excited to see what i will get outta this, maybe i will help someone, maybe someone will help me. either way, i cant wait to keep posting, and if u read this, and want me to write about a certain band or movie or anything, please send me a message. Thanks for reading!
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