Saturday, April 10, 2010

TYSON...My Puppy!!!

My dog Tyson has changed my life. Ive always wanted a dog to myself. and I FINALLY got one.
                                                       Oct 2009 ... the day i got him!!!!

I was so happy the day i went to pick him up! I dont think i was ever so happy lol.
He was 7 weeks old when i got him, and he was SO tiny... and SO cute. ! When I brought him home, Lee says.."hehe , he looks funny"/// which he did.. he was kinda "goofy" looking. .. kinda he kinda was.. But he was only 7 weeks!!!..

                                                 (one of my fave pics of him)

He was potty trained within a week.. which was FANTASTIC.(for those of you who have a puppy, you know its frustrating when they pee and poop on the floor, or in my case, the CARPET urrghh...)...but i loved him , and i wanted to keep him, and prove im responsible to care for him!!.

                                               (awwww snuggleeezzzzzzzz...also one of my faves)

ok.. obviously theres gonna be a  few puppy mistakes, not only peeing or pooping in the house... but maybe chewing on things... barking... ect. Heres a list of things he's destroyed...:S:S

1.Lee's xbox crontroler cord...
2.Lee's Iphone cable
3.Pooped in Lee's Car... numerous times.
4. Lee's OTHER Iphone cable.
5.Lee's Hair Clippers.
6.Lee's seat belts in his car.
7.One of MY seatbealts in my new car...yes...the one i JUST got last week...long story.
8.His own dog bed
9.My COMFY pants!!!!!..(i was sooooo sad)
10.Pooped on Lee's leg...hehehheeh...kinda funny.

Notice how its all Lee's stuff.. except my i think he was out to get him. ...

Even after ALL that.. I could not get rid of him... he's my baby!.

I have gone back and forth wether or not i should get rid of him... i can never bring myself to do it!!... He gives me those puppy eyes, and my heart melts!!...
My favorite thing that he does is.. when hes home alll alone for a bit.. and i come home..
I sit on the couch...( and he waits for me to sit..)... he jumps on my lap, and cries, and hugs me!!... it makes me feel so loved, and i LOVE it every time he does it!!!

Another thing, is when i lay down at night.. he snugglez right beside me, and looks at me with such cuteness!!!...and also.. when im having a bad day. He knows... he comes to me, and hugz me, or snugglez.. and it makes me feel SOOO much better!! I dont know what I would without my TYSON!...<3

1 comment:

  1. He pooped on Lee's LEG !?!?! TOO FUNNY!!! I cannot wait to hear this story!!!

    He is so freaking adorable, Mel!!! Can I has him?
