Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Quitting smoking is not easy!!,,or,,,is it?

I have been smoking for approx. 6 years. 2 days ago, i decided to quit...
Well. Cut down.
This month, I will be buying my last carton of cigarettes, and I will be limiting my cigarettes to 3 a day!.
This seemed like the end of the world for me because i smoke close to half a pack a day!!
Turns out, its not as hard as it seems!.,with a little help of some chewing gum!:D
I feel that if i chew the gum, not nicotine gum, any type of gum really.. it turns off my craving.
Ever since i started this journey, I have felt so much better. Although, i have been getting headaches, but i looked it up, and its perfectly normal. Good tylenol will do the job!
so 3 a day is working really good for me, its just enough to keep me satisfied, and when i do get a craving , i just pull out my gum!!! it works!. If anyone out there would like to find a good way to quit, you should try it!!
Keep up with my journey!

1 comment:

  1. Love it!!! this is SUCH awesome news!!! Wait until your skin starts to glow and look fabulous! You will love it!!
    Make sure to really take care of yourself, and do something for YOU every day!!!
