Saturday, April 3, 2010

cooking is nice...being a daddy is better!

For me, personality is everything!..well it's the most important!. Sure i dont want some man buck teeth that goes by the name of Bubba...but in all reality, who does?!?..
I would like to take the time and tell you what i think is sexy on a man..inside and out. 
EYES: they tell a story. You can really see into someone's soul by looking into their eyes. Bight blue, Bright green are the ones that get me going!!. 
SMILE: Honestly, i can not be attracted to someone what so ever. ..and then, they smile..and i melt.
(of course the teeth have to be nice as well.)
Those are basicaly my 2 big physical attractions on a man!...

What i find sexy, is a man, who can cook!!...ahhh i melt if my man can cook(which he can, btw)!!!!! Oh and they have to be good at it too! and creative. Theres just something about a man, cutting up veggies and making pancakes..its just...*sigh..yeah i think you get it. 

A man who is good with their hands, for example..working on their cars, or sports, good at fxing things!!! that is a total bonus..i do not want someone who played video games all day!
Kirra Dawn Leigh boyfriends baby girl!!!<3< u babez. 
and the last thing. This is something that i find attractive and so...ahhh..... is a man who is a daddy. My boyfriend is a daddy..and although i love him now...i love him more when he is with his daughter!..I love the way he looks at her, the way he talks to her, and plays with her!..i just love seeing a man so in love ! I love my man, and i love his daughter.. I really do. She makes me so happy all the time! I hope some day i can become her step mommy!!!:D:D


1 comment:

  1. I'm excited to see Britton as a daddy one day too. I agree... i love seeing a daddy looking at his child... my heart just melts!
